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Membership Form

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Supporting Member $0.00
Supporting members receive discounts on tickets to the Summer Concert Series and other special events and rental discounts to host your special event in a beautiful venue rich in Jewish heritage.

Historian's Circle $0.00
Historian's Circle members receive discounts on tickets to the Summer Concert Series and other special events and rental discounts to host your special event in a beautiful venue rich in Jewish heritage.

Chai Circle $0.00

Chai Circle members receive discounts on tickets to the Summer Concert Series and other special events and rental discounts to host your special event in a beautiful venue rich in Jewish heritage.

Curator Circle $0.00
Curator's Circle members will receive discounts on tickets to special events and rental discounts to host your event in a beautiful venue rich in Jewish Heritage. Curators will also receive a signed copy of "A Boy's Story, A Man's Memory: Surviving the Holocaust" by Oskar Knoblauch.